May 31, 2010

Team Pictures

Our team pictures came in and this is the only one that looked good. It was windy and my individual shots came out terribly! So, here it is!

May 28, 2010


I have been working really hard on my spiking skills lately. I spiked a few in our game on Saturday, but one of them went out of bounds. We won that game anyway, but I really want to make the Jr. High team so I've been practicing my spikes. I need 3 more inches on my vertical to spike on an 8 foot net. So close, yet so far!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Sorry I took sooooo long to post new information! But I have been soooo busy! Volleyball is the bomb! I was team captain of my volleyball team, The Shockers, and I have already played on two teams. On the Lucky Charms I was co-captain. On top of that, I got braces like 3 months ago, I joined another volleyball team, enrolled in Tiger Volleyball Camp, joined swim team, I am doing a beach volleyball tournament with my dad, and I am officially Treasurer of HJHS! My summer is booked! But school is finally out so I have a lot of time on my hands! Here are some pictures. The first is our team and I am in the process of hitting the ball. . . The second is me, yes, the blur is me. I am in the middle of diving to try to save a stray ball. . . The third is my faithful team in a huddle in between games, and my coach giving a pep talk. . . And the fourth is me attempting to set the ball, I don't remember if it worked. . .Hmmmm. . . Oh well! That's it for now!